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Showing posts from February, 2017

2d Book Distortion

The game I am working on allows the player to read and create magic books. Because of this, I decided it would be useful to create different effects that look liked they were happening on the book's pages. To do this I needed a normal map. I figured a book would not be too hard to model so I made this model in blender. Book Model The model didn't have to be perfect, because I only need it to render a normal map viewing it from the top. Normal Map That is all the work I needed to do in blender.  The art for the actual book is just for testing and I found it on open game art  here . I fudged with the normal map and the book art a little bit in gimp until they lined up nicely. The rest of the work I did in unity. Everything that  I wanted to appear on the pages I put on a separate layer, that I will be referring to as the page layer. This way I could render that layer with a separate camera. I ended up rendering that to a render texture that was applied to a